


To perform UX research, produce a style guide, create a user flow and write copy for a fictional company within a real industry.


8 weeks


1 UX writer (me)

As the final project for my UX Writing certification course, I was challenged to create my own product and app from scratch. I present to you ChillCat - a CBD cat subscription box. Below you will find links to my final project's style guide, features list, first draft mockups, consumer research and test plan, and then finally the end result.


Market Research and Competitor Analysis

Using Airtable, I researched other cat subscription boxes and CBD providers in the market to gain some perspective on what customers like and dislike - as well as what is already offered.

research project company.JPG

research project products.JPG


I used Google Sheets to brainstorm features and categorize them by importance. Some of these features are common practice for e-commerce sites and others were inspired by my research findings.