
Backstory: is a website I work on every day. I challenged myself to put on my UX writing goggles and take a look through the site with a new perspective. We don’t have a dedicated team providing user experience commentary on the site, and I was able to find a few strong places due for an update. Below are my findings and the visuals I created to help show my view. While I am not a designer, I hoped to create simple and clean outlines to highlight my words. Enjoy!

Customer Care Page

Challenge:’s customer care page is the source for customers to get help, answer questions, and be directed to customer service when needed. Unfortunately, this page is growing but also neglected at the same time - making it hard to navigate and anything but helpful. I redesigned the entire page from scratch, focusing on creating a cleaner experience overall.

Status: In progress. Working with the tech and product teams to understand the lift needed to accomplish this refresh.



www.magazines.com_customer-care (1).png

Component 1.png


Component 3 (1).png

Component 2.png

Component 4.png

Checkout Form (Error Messages)

Challenge: Tackling the checkout form on’s order flow was the first place I challenged myself in this UX refresh. It came down to nearly all of the current error messages needing to be shortened - most were multiple sentences long and overexplained with copy that consumers aren’t actually going to read. There was also an oversight with the credit card and CVV boxes missing a focused state box bolding, while all of the other boxes had them. I also utilized adding a placeholder to the email box instead of creating a longer email address error

Status: In progress. BI team is clearing with legal to make sure everything we need is still on the form.




image 6.png

CVV Tooltip Update

Challenge: The current CVV/Security Code tooltip is outdated, and gets quite blurry making it hard to read on both desktop and mobile. I researched what some other companies are doing to make this type of tooltip more friendly to the eyes. I reworded the copy as well as refreshed what the credit cards look like to remove complicated imagery - creating a more clean and appealing look. While more design work went into this, cleaning up the language made it more scannable and cohesive as well.

Status: In progress. Working with the tech and product teams to understand the lift needed to accomplish this refresh.




image 5.png